Bus Procedures
REGULAR BUS RUNS- There will be four buses arriving at Hawes at approximately 8:35 a.m. an leaving at approximately 3:10 p.m. each school day. Buses will arrive at and depart from the front parking lot. NO CAR POOL TRAFFIC IS ALLOWED IN THE FRONT PARKING LOT AT THESE TIMES.
ARRIVAL PROCEDURES- When students arrive in the morning, they will report to their designated entrance. In case of inclement weather, they will proceed directly to the corridor area adjacent to their inside classroom doors. The bus safety patrol will help students, if needed, at arrival time. Please see that children getting off the bus walk down the sidewalk on the playground side of school.
Dismissal Procedures- At dismissal time, students will be dismissed from their classrooms directly to the bus lines under the supervision of classroom assistants. The assistants will supervise and assist the children in boarding the buses and take attendance of those children riding the bus. At no time may bus riders stop and play on the playground before boarding the buses.
BUS NOTES- Parents must sent a written, dated note when their children will not be riding the bus. The note should include the date and how the children will get home (i.e., parent will pick up or going home with a friend, include name).
SAME BUS ROUTE ONLY: Only with a permission note from their parent may a child may get off at a different stop when riding their NORMAL BUS ROUTE.
1. Students must wear seatbelts at all times.
2. Voices should be kept at quiet levels and conversational tones to avoid distractions to the driver.
3. Care of personal property is the responsibility of each child. Children's belongings should be labeled.
4. Students are expected to show proper respect to the bus driver, classroom assistants, and the school bus property.
5. Students may not open windows. The driver will determine the comfort of the bus temperature.
6. Students are expected to treat each other with respect.
7. Consumption of food, beverages, and chewing gum are not permitted on the buses.
DISCIPLINARY ACTION- Any student breaking the rules will be reported to the bus monitor or the principal.
Students who do not follow bus rules may face disciplinary consequences that can include the loss of bus privledges.
Bus Note Form Link
Parents must send a written note when their child/ren will not be riding the bus. Children will not be permitted to stay for afterschool activities without a bus note. If they do not have a note they must take the bus home. The note should include how the child/ren will get home and what activity they are attending. The note must contain the child's name(both first and last), date, bus number, and homeroom. Please click on the link below to print out a bus note form.
modules/groups/homepagefiles/cms/923611/File/Bus Note.pdf